Baltic Sea Crew

Hi, we are the Baltic Sea Crew. During the summer of 2021, we went on a voyage through the Baltics – talking to Startup Founders, VCs, and even government and Central Bank representatives to gain a 360° understanding of the booming startup ecosystem in this European microcosm!

Manasvi Srivastava

Manasvi Srivastava

  • Founded and sold a Fintech venture enabling unbanked customers to make cashless payments
  • Senior Cloud Specialist at Volkswagen Group, Sweden
  • Patent Engineer at Sony Japan
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Gijs Wilbers

  • Corporate M&A lawyer focussed on renewable energies sector
  • Prior experience with developing strategies to finance and commercialize research prototypes
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In the video below, we cover the highlights of our trip, the conversations that helped shape our understanding of startups, and our key takeaways and insights from the tour.

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